TouchPoint: Haptic Exchange Between Digits
The work exhibited in the SIGGRAPH 2010 Art Gallery investigates the polysensory nature of human experience in a technologically enhanced environment. The exhibition explores the permeable membrane of the techno-human interface, where we engage an array of tools to materialize and visualize artifacts of creative expression. Integral to the work is human haptic interaction, involving the "viewer" and/or the artist through a unique physical interface.
Our sensory systems, like the aesthetic experiences they ascertain, operate simultaneously on several channels. Touch, for example, is not a binary system, but a complex structure of multiple sensory mechanisms, synthesizing such information as pressure, temperature, hardness, vibration, and weight. This sensory amalgamation is exploratory in nature, developing haptic awareness through the active combination of kinesthetic and tactual evidence. An object brought to the hand cannot be described like the one explored by the fingers.
While the initial focus of the exhibition was on the sense of touch, the jury felt it was relevant to extend the breadth of sense experience. Therefore, the selected works include a range of sensory involvement, including scent and audio interactions. Some works are more solely focused on bodily presence, while others address the virtual hand in the machine. Overall, the multi-layered polysensory experience of the artwork has become the dynamic focus, forcing vision to share the pedestal of privilege with other sense modalities.
Richard Elaver
Juried Art Chair
Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
Art Gallery Documentation: Leonardo 43(4)
The SIGGRAPH 2010 Art Gallery is documented in a special of the Leonardo journal. An electronic version of this issue has been included in the Full Conference DVD-ROM publication.
Introductory Material
- Conference Art Director's Statement (Matthew Hollern)
- Guest Editorial (Lira Nikolovska)
- SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award (Yoichiro Kawaguchi)
Art Papers
- Art Papers Jury
- The Immediacy of the Artist's Mark in Shape Computation (Jacquelyn A. Martino)
- Learning from Weaving for Digital Fabrication in Architecture (Rizal Muslimin)
- Glowing Pathfinder Bugs: A Natural Haptic 3D Interface for Interacting Intuitively with Virtual Environments (Anthony Rowe, Liam Birtles)
- Touching Space: Using Motion Capture and Stereo Projection to Create a "Virtual Haptics" of Dance (Kim Vincs, John McCormick)
- Visual Anecdote (Dietmar Offenhuber)
- Data Portraits (Judith Donath, Alex Dragulescu, Aaron Zinman, Fernanda ViƩgas, Rebecca Xiong)
TouchPoint: Haptic Exchange Between Digits
- TouchPoint Art Gallery Jury
- Introduction (Richard Elaver)
- Echidna (Tine Bech)
- Strata-Caster (Joseph Farbrook)
- Cursor Caressor Eraser (Michael Filmowicz)
- Final Wisdom I (John Fillwalk)
- hanahanahana (Yasuaski Kakehi, Motoshi Chikamori, Kyoko Kunoh)
- The Lightness of Your Touch (Henry Kaufman)
- Tools for Improved Social Interacting (Lauren McCarthy)
- Dinner Party (Hye Yeon Nam)
- samplingplong (Joerg Niehage)
- Empire of Sleep: The Beach (Alan Price)
- Lotus 7.0 (Dean Roosegaarde)
- In the Line of Sight (Daniel Sauter, Fabian Winkler)
- Glowing Pathfinder Bugs (Squidsoup)
- ADB (Nicholas Stedman)